Relational Therapy for Everyone

Accessible and personalized therapy, in person or from the comfort of your home.

Liliana Doyon, LMFT

I discovered my passion for healing and helping others while attending school in Honolulu, Hawaii. Away from my family for the first time, I began a path of self discovery and inner work. I became aware of the intergenerational trauma that I carried through my lineage, stemming from war, colonization, and secrecy. I began to understand the coping mechanisms and habits I had developed to protect myself  in society, family, friendships, and intimate relationships. As I learned what triggered these habits, I was able to do the transformative work of validating them and giving them permission to be. This enabled me to connect with emotions that I had protected myself from for so long, especially the emotion of rage. Through this transformative process, I am committed to radical empathy.

I am a daughter of immigrant parents from Mexico. My parents are very loving and nurturing, and they also had very high expectations in raising me and my siblings as first generation Mexican-American. Building on this legacy, I continue to learn how to re-parent myself in ways they were not able to, while maintaining gratitude for their sacrifices. 

I am a mother to an active and curious child. I am constantly learning how to be in the present moment, to empathize, and to create boundaries for my child to feel validated and safe in the world. As a divorcè, I see how I fell into traditional beliefs of relationships and marriage. I took the courage to honor myself and be true to my modernized beliefs. I’ve learned to co-parent in a healthy way that most people don’t think is possible, and now I am in a beautiful intimate relationship that is honest, safe and alive.

I share my story with you because my growth journey and experiences guide me deeply in my passion to work with couples and individuals to return stability, hope, and purpose into their lives.

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 12 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and families. I am a trauma therapist certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). What I value about EFT is how it encourages a more vulnerable and emotional connection together. 

I am committed to stepping into transformative vulnerability with my clients, to bring them support through validating and honoring their experiences. Being fully present, empathetic, and attuned, I have helped clients suffering from difficult emotions, complex trauma, and the challenges of everyday life find their way back to their true self - and one another. 

We are all capable of change. The process is easier when we have trusting relationships and a supportive community to validate and normalize our experiences. Healing can be a long journey – and  it is a journey that is possible for all of us.

Begin your healing journey today

My healing approach

I am trained in an adult attachment based model called Emotionally Focused Therapy. I also hold trainings in Somatic Experiencing, and Internal Family Systems (IFS) psychotherapy.  I combine these modalities to work with each client in a holistic approach to healing. I believe that we all hold the inner wisdom to healing and, with guidance from others, we can unblock emotions that have been held in the body. When we come from marginalized oppressed groups, we need someone to get us, to understand our experience from a place of compassion, validation and normalization. This is what I am committed to. I help create a space of safety, curiosity and awareness. I also make it a priority to continue on my own healing journey because there is never an end. I can only lead others as far as I have been able to go myself. I value meditation, nutrition, exercise and rest to be able to work with all people. I encourage you to give yourself permission to get curious on why you are the way you are, and get restored to a place of authenticity and connection.


  • What I love about Lily is how easy she is to open up to. When I share something painful or vulnerable, she receives it with compassion and understanding with words like "of course you felt that way given how you had to adapt in x situation growing up" - she somehow has memorized my core wounds and can retrieve and reflect them back to me to explain my own behavior to me. It's remarkable. She also is able to gently stop me when I unknowingly deflect her question by answering about someone/something else, she'll bring me back to why I deflected and ultimately get me to acknowledge the uncomfortable yet familiar emotion that came up inside. This is where her magic lies: in showing me the adaptive patterns I've developed to cope with my emotions and difficult past experiences. I feel heard and understood when I meet with Lily. She is a treasure.

    Loren, P. - Individual

  • Therapy with you was a wonderful and powerful experience. I miss the sessions. Working on my relationship with my wife was worth every second of it. No matter how hard the topics or how many tears were shed, that was easily outweighed by the laughs and connections that we made with your help. If I were to describe my experience it would be similar to the difference of being awake/conscious and being alive/exercising. Couples therapy should not be a luxury or something that is done only when times are extremely difficult. It seems to me that a great romantic life is only possible if you work at it and there is no shame in needing a coach at times.

    Patrick P., - Couple

  • Before we found Liliana, we were feeling very disconnected. I was pursuing connection with my partner and he was shut down and withdrawn. We needed to come back together and felt under resourced to do it ourselves. We were escalating quickly and our intimacy was deeply lacking. I didn’t feel seen or understood. I felt unloved and unwanted.  Liliana held the space to have honest and difficult conversations. She created a safe space for me to be very vulnerable without shutting down. Together we had deeper understanding and appreciation for each others needs, deeper empathy for one another, knowing and respecting each others emotional limits, trusting in our love. THANK YOU Liliana for grounding us, holding safe space for us to navigate some very entrenched and conditioned ways of being, and keeping hope for us when it was lost. And thank you for introducing me to a therapist who has been a big part of my personal evolution and growth. 

    Anonymous, - Couple

  • Before I met Liliana, I was feeling frustrated, upset and not emotionally regulated along with having some issues in my relationship with my boyfriend.  I’ve gone to her before, and felt that we had great sessions and our energies flowed well in the therapist/ patient dynamic. I wanted to feel better and have deeper more meaningful relationships with my self and the people in my life. She helped me by slowing things down, allowing time to reflect and providing me with tools and ideas to better my self. She is very easy to talk to, I felt heard and safe and her schedule was always flexible which fit well w my schedule. I feel my self worth definitely improved and I was able to navigate my feelings better when I would become triggered. She’s great!

    Anonymous, - Individual

I would love to hear from you.
(347) 709-2041

352 7th Ave, Suite 1005
New York, NY 10001